Be Lucky In Love all year round

Be Lucky In Love all year round

Valentines Day is not the only day of the year where love & romance rule. It can be any day of the year you decide!

Attraction & Sweet Work can be done in many ways; candle burning, sweet baths etc.

One method that we have found to be very effective is wearing oils or perfumes. By wearing an oil on your skin daily or especially before meeting up with your sweetheart, you are effecting changes in the vibrations around you.

This makes you give off an appealing, enticing energy to the object of your desires.

Yeyeo Botanica carries many handmade, powerful sweet products that attract, bring or fire up your love life.

Our customers rave about Iya Elemi's Lucky in Love & Lucky Passion Oils and for good reason.

Both raise & enhance your vibrations of attraction, romance and sex appeal.

Our Lucky In Love Oil does exactly that, giving you the best opportunities for finding, keeping or bringing new love into your life.

Our Lucky Passion stirs up the fires, sparks up desire, lust and makes any new or existing relationship fresh & exciting.

Our Lucky Love Spell Soap when used with these oils enhances the energy further, by itself it is also great for existing relationships to keep harmony in the relationship but also keep the flames of attraction nice & hot.

Visit our Love & Romance Collection to see these oils and many more items that you can use all year round. Enjoy!

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