Money Magic, Prosperity, Abundance Blogs by Yeyeo Botanica

Rose of Jericho and it's Spiritual Uses
The Rose of Jericho is a spiritual plant with amazing abilities and uses. There are 2 plants who share the name but todays blog will focus on the more common...
Rose of Jericho and it's Spiritual Uses
The Rose of Jericho is a spiritual plant with amazing abilities and uses. There are 2 plants who share the name but todays blog will focus on the more common...

Jezebel Root for Money Drawing
We LOVE Roots and herbs for spiritual workings. Todays blog is about the infamous Jezebel Root. Jezebel Root is named after a historical figure, a princess of Phoenician ancestry, Jezebel....
Jezebel Root for Money Drawing
We LOVE Roots and herbs for spiritual workings. Todays blog is about the infamous Jezebel Root. Jezebel Root is named after a historical figure, a princess of Phoenician ancestry, Jezebel....

Using Keys for Spells & Work
Key Spells One of our favorite charms is a Key. Keys have so much use when it comes to spiritual workings & spells. Keys can be used to open or...
Using Keys for Spells & Work
Key Spells One of our favorite charms is a Key. Keys have so much use when it comes to spiritual workings & spells. Keys can be used to open or...

Magnets & Lodestones for Magical and Spiritual ...
Magnets & Lodestones are great for attracting, drawing & bringing to you the things you desire. While well known for money drawing spells, they are also great for Love &...
Magnets & Lodestones for Magical and Spiritual ...
Magnets & Lodestones are great for attracting, drawing & bringing to you the things you desire. While well known for money drawing spells, they are also great for Love &...

Spiritual/Magical Uses of Image and Figure Candles
Every time someone comes into the shop, the figure candles always bring up a lot of questions. Possibly because they seem weird looking but also most people seem to think...
Spiritual/Magical Uses of Image and Figure Candles
Every time someone comes into the shop, the figure candles always bring up a lot of questions. Possibly because they seem weird looking but also most people seem to think...